Web Site News

Web Site News March 2025
I have added no new breweries this month and no new countries, giving me a total of 672 breweries, from 68 Countries.
Had a few glasses that I couldn't identify last month, so have added them to the "unknown" section. If anyone can help with these it would be great.
New Beermats added this Month
5 New Beermats added this month, these can be found at the bottom of the relevant brewery page. (Total 370)
New Glasses added this Month
4 Glasses from the "West Indies 1947-1971 collection" purchased in November 2024.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
1 Glass from Tesco Sheerness, (Free with 4 Bottles Pack).
Collection total now stands at 3218 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

Web Site News February 2025
I have added 2 new breweries this month and 2 new countries (Ghana and Trinidad & Tobago), giving me a total of 672 breweries, from 68 Countries.
Had a few glasses that I couldn't identify, so have added them to the "unknown" section. If anyone can help with these it would be great.
Apologies if I have not responded to your emails, I'm still getting overwhelmed each month with them, please remember this site is only a personal collection, not a business.
New Beermats added this Month
3 New Beermats added this month, these can be found at the bottom of the relevant brewery page. (Total 365)
10 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass Donated from "The Sheerness East W.M.C." thanks to the Landlady Paula.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
8 Glasses from the "West Indies 1947-1971 collection" purchased in November 2024.
Collection total now stands at 3212 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1584 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Greenalls was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News January 2025
Happy New Year to all the fellow glass collectors and those that have exchanged, purchased and supplied me with glasses this year. Your help and support keeps this website going.
I have added 1 new brewery this month, giving me a total of 670 breweries, from 66 Countries.
New Beermats added this Month
2 New Beermats added this month, these can be found at the bottom of the relevant brewery page. (Total 362)
8 New Glasses added this Month
4 Glasses from the "West Indies 1947-1971 collection" purchased in November 2024.
2 Glasses Donated from "The Sheerness East W.M.C." thanks to the Landlady Paula.
1 Glass from Tesco Sheerness, Christmas gift set with bottle.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
Collection total now stands at 3202 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 2021 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Guinness was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News December 2024
Merry Christmas to all the fellow glass collectors and those that have exchanged, purchased and supplied me with glasses this year. Your help and support keeps this website going.
I have added 5 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 669 breweries, from 66 Countries.
New Beermats added this Month
24 New Beermats added this month, these can be found at the bottom of the relevant brewery page. (Total 360)
20 New Glasses added this Month
15 Glasses from the "West Indies 1947-1971 collection" purchased in November 2024.
1 Glass donated from a pub in Minster.
1 Glass purchased from Vince Barney in June 2024, doubles in his collection.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from Tesco Sheerness (Free glass when you buy 4 cans).
Collection total now stands at 3194 (Click the "Christmas Beer logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1982 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Carling was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News November 2024
I receive alot of emails regarding the value of glasses. It's a difficult question to answer because the value of a collection or a glass is subjective. In my opinion the glass is worth what the buyer is willing to pay and what the seller is happy to sell for. But as a guide I'm going to start adding the value I pay for glasses in the notes section, so you have baseline.
Also this month I purchased a small collection of glasses, collected from the West Indies from 1947 to 1971. A lot of them are European Export beers and I will be adding these over the next few months.
I have added 7 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 664 breweries, from 66 Countries.
New Beermats added this Month
16 New Beermats added this month, these can be found at the bottom of the relevant brewery page. (Total 336)
20 New Glasses added this Month
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
4 Glasses from the Shepherd Neame brewery shop in Faversham.
3 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Faversham.
1 Glass from an Antique shop in Faversham.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Canterbury.
8 Glasses from the "West Indies 1947-1971 collection" purchased in November 2024.
Collection total now stands at 3174 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 2727 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Lamot was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News October 2024
The Website is 10 years old this month. I would like to thank all those that have helped getting it to this point.
I have added 2 new breweries and 1 new country (Guernsey) this month, giving me a total of 657 breweries, from 66 Countries.
Apologies if I have not responded to your emails. I'm receiving more than I can handle.
10 New Glasses added this Month
3 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney in June 2024, doubles in his collection.
3 Glasses exchanged with Brian Moore, another glass collector from the UK.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Maidstone.
Collection total now stands at 3154 (Click the "Trick or Beer logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 2413 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Greenalls was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News September 2024
I have added 3 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 655 breweries, from 65 Countries.
Apologies if I have not responded to your emails. I'm getting overwhelmed each month with them, please remember this site is only a personal collection, not a business.
10 New Glasses added this Month
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
5 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney in June 2024, doubles in his collection.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Maidstone.
1 Glass donated from a pub in Wadebridge.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
Collection total now stands at 3144 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 2347 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Cruzcampo was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News August 2024
I have added 1 new brewery this month, giving me a total of 652 breweries, from 65 Countries.
10 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
7 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney in June 2024, doubles in his collection.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
Collection total now stands at 3134 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 2552 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Guinness was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News July 2024
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 651 breweries, from 65 Countries.
10 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from Tesco Sheerness (Free glass when you buy 4 cans).
6 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney in June 2024, doubles in his collection.
1 Glass donated from a Hotel in Lancaster.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Maidstone.
Collection total now stands at 3124 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 2292 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Mythos was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News June 2024
Had my annual visit to fellow UK glass collector Vince Barney this month. We did a few exchanges and I purchased a few of his doubles, which I will be adding over the next few months.
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 651 breweries, from 65 Countries.
11 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass donated from a pub in Minster.
5 Glasses exchanged with Vince Barney, another glass collector from the UK.
3 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Taunton.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
Collection total now stands at 3114 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 2055 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Carling was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News May 2024
I have added 8 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 651 breweries, from 65 Countries.
18 New Glasses added this Month
14 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney in April 2023, doubles in his collection.
1 Glass donated from a pub in Minster.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
Collection total now stands at 3103 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 2013 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Cruzcampo was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News April 2024
I have added 2 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 643 breweries, from 65 Countries.
12 New Glasses added this Month
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
6 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney in April 2023, doubles in his collection.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Canterbury.
1 Glass donated from The Kings Head Hotel in Ross on Wye.
Collection total now stands at 3085 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1778 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Lamot was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News March 2024
I have added 2 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 641 breweries, from 65 Countries.
11 New Glasses added this Month
3 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Canterbury.
5 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney in April 2023, doubles in his collection.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
Collection total now stands at 3073 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1777 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Lamot was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News February 2024
I have added 3 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 639 breweries, from 65 Countries.
10 New Glasses added this Month
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Canterbury.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
1 Glass from B&M Queenborough (Can gift set with glass).
3 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass given to me by a work colleague after his holiday in Wales.
1 Glass purchased from Vince Barney in April 2023, doubles in his collection.
Collection total now stands at 3062 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1691 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Cruzcampo was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News January 2024
Happy New Year to all the fellow glass collectors and those that have exchanged, purchased and supplied me with glasses this year. Your help and support keeps this website going.
I have added 2 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 636 breweries, from 65 Countries.
10 New Glasses added this Month
3 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
3 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
1 Glass from "The Sheerness East W.M.C." thanks to the Landlady Paula.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Maidstone.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Monmouth.
1 Glass purchased from Vince Barney in April 2023, doubles in his collection.
Collection total now stands at 3052 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1522 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Lamot was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News December 2023
Merry Christmas to all the fellow glass collectors and those that have exchanged, purchased and supplied me with glasses this year. Your help and support keeps this website going.
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 634 breweries, from 65 Countries.
9 New Glasses added this Month
3 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
1 Glass donated from a pub in Monmouth.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Gloucester.
3 Glasses from a Beer Shop in Amboise France.
Collection total now stands at 3042 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 2081 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Cruzcampo was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News November 2023
This month now holds the record for the highest amount of visitors since the website was launched in October 2014. I have also been overwhelmed with emails this month, so apologies if I have not responded to you all.
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 634 breweries, from 65 Countries.
3 New Glasses added this Month
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Canterbury.
Collection total now stands at 3033 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 5107 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Guinness was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News October 2023
The Website is 9 years old this month.
I have added 1 new brewery this month, giving me a total of 634 breweries, from 65 Countries.
3 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass donated from a pub in Monmouth.
2 Glasses from Brewhouse and Kitchen in Gloucester.
Collection total now stands at 3030 (Click the "Trick or Beer logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1887 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Cruzcampo was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News September 2023
I have added 1 new brewery this month, giving me a total of 633 breweries, from 65 Countries.
20 New Glasses added this Month
4 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
3 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
7 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney in April, doubles in his collection.
1 Glass from Tesco Sheerness (Free with 10 Can Pack).
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Maidstone.
1 Glass from "The Sheerness East W.M.C." thanks to the Landlady Paula.
1 Glass as a gift, thanks to Hayley & Lewis.
2 Glasses from the Gloucester Brewery
Collection total now stands at 3027 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 2023 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Mythos was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News August 2023
I have added 1 new brewery this month, giving me a total of 632 breweries, from 65 Countries.
4 New Glasses added this Month
2 Glasses donated from The Kings Head Hotel in Ross on Wye.
1 Glass donated from The Hope & Anchor pub in Ross on Wye.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
Collection total now stands at 3007 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 2038 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Cruzcampo was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News July 2023
The Collection has hit the 3000 mark this month and I want to thank all those that have helped getting it to this point.
This month also holds the record for the highest amount of visitors since the website was launched in October 2014. I have also been overwhelmed with emails this month, so apologies if I have not responded to you all.
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 631 breweries, from 65 Countries.
4 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass purchased from Vince Barney in April, doubles in his collection.
3 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
Collection total now stands at 3003 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 2544 visitors.
Kronenbourg 1664 Glass 000539 was the most viewed page.
Mythos was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News June 2023
I have added 1 new brewery this month, giving me a total of 631 breweries, from 65 Countries.
7 New Glasses added this Month
6 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney in April, doubles in his collection.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
Collection total now stands at 2999 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 2124 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Thatchers was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News May 2023
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 630 breweries, from 65 Countries.
7 New Glasses added this Month
7 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney in April, doubles in his collection.
Collection total now stands at 2992 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1912 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Thatchers was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News April 2023
Had my annual visit to fellow UK glass collector Vince Barney this month. We did a few exchanges and I purchased a few of his doubles, which I will be adding over the next few months.
I have added 2 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 630 breweries, from 65 Countries.
21 New Glasses added this Month
9 Glasses from the Arkell's Brewery Shop in Swindon.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Cirencester.
2 Glasses donated from a pub in Cirencester.
1 Glass from Sainsburys Sittingbourne (Free glass when you buy 4 cans).
7 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney, doubles in his collection.
Collection total now stands at 2985 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1752 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Thatchers was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News March 2023
I have added 2 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 628 breweries, from 65 Countries.
11 New Glasses added this Month
3 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass donated from The White Horse Inn Prestwich.
2 Glasses donated from a pub in Belfast.
1 Glass from Sainsburys Sittingbourne (Free glass when you buy 4 cans).
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
1 Glass from Sainsburys Hempstead Valley (Free glass when you buy 4 cans).
1 Glass from Morrisons Sittingbourne (Free with a pack of Guinness).
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Maidstone.
Collection total now stands at 2964 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1655 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Guinness was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News February 2023
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 626 breweries, from 65 Countries.
5 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
3 Glasses from a friend who was having a clear out before moving house.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sheerness
Collection total now stands at 2953 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1331 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Thatchers was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News January 2023
Happy New Year to all the fellow glass collectors and those that have exchanged, purchased and supplied me with glasses this year. Your help and support keeps this website going.
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 626 breweries, from 65 Countries.
5 New Glasses added this Month
5 Glasses from the Shepherd Neame brewery shop in Faversham (A Christmas gift form my wife)
Collection total now stands at 2948 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1590 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Thatchers was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News December 2022
Merry Christmas to all the fellow glass collectors and those that have exchanged, purchased and supplied me with glasses this year. Your help and support keeps this website going.
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 626 breweries, from 65 Countries.
3 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from Tesco Sheerness (Bottle Gift set with Glass).
1 Glass from Sainsburys Sittingbourne (Free glass when you buy 4 cans)
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
Collection total now stands at 2943 (Click the "Christmas logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1854 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Wychwood was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News November 2022
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 626 breweries, from 65 Countries.
3 New Glasses added this Month
2 Glasses from Sainsburys Sittingbourne (Free glass when you buy 4 cans)
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
Collection total now stands at 2940 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1854 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Farsons was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News October 2022
The Website is 8 years old this month.
I have added 1 new brewery this month, giving me a total of 626 breweries, from 65 Countries.
10 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from B&M Queenborough (One bottle gift set with glass).
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
3 Glasses from The Heritage Micro pub thanks to Landlord Melvin.
3 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
2 Glasses from Sainsburys Sittingbourne (Free glass when you buy 4 cans/bottles)
Collection total now stands at 2937 (Click the "Trick or Beer logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1796 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Thatchers was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.
This is the fifth time in 22 months, this particular glass has been the most viewed.

Web Site News September 2022
I have added 1 new brewery this month, giving me a total of 625 breweries, from 65 Countries.
5 New Glasses added this Month
4 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney in April, doubles in his collection.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
Collection total now stands at 2927 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1775 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Whitbread was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News August 2022
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 624 breweries, from 65 Countries.
2 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from "The Sheerness East W.M.C." thanks to the Landlady Paula.
Collection total now stands at 2922 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1962 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Camden Town Brewery was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News July 2022
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 624 breweries, from 65 Countries.
5 New Glasses added this Month
3 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney in April, doubles in his collection.
1 Glass donated from a Minster pub.
1 Glass from a bar in Malta. A holiday gift from my daughter Hayley & Lewis
Collection total now stands at 2920 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1676 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Bass was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News June 2022
I have added 2 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 624 breweries, from 65 Countries.
8 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
3 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney in April, doubles in his collection.
1 Glass purchased from a seller on Ebay
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Queenborough.
Collection total now stands at 2915 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1536 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Thatchers was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.
This is the forth time in 18 months, this particular glass has been the most viewed.

Web Site News May 2022
I have added 3 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 622 breweries, from 65 Countries.
25 New Glasses added this Month
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
3 Glasses from the Camden Town Brewery (Free Glass offer on 4 bottle packs).
12 Glasses exchanged with Vince Barney, another glass collector from the UK.
3 Glasses from Morrisons Queenborough (Free with a pack of Guinness).
1 Glass donated from the Heathy Farm pub (Greene King) in Crawley.
4 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney last month, doubles in his collection.
Collection total now stands at 2907 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1888 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Carling was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News April 2022
Visited fellow UK glass collector Vince Barney this month. We did a few exchanges and I purchased a few of his doubles, which I will be adding over the next month or two.
I have added 1 new brewery this month, giving me a total of 619 breweries, from 65 Countries.
5 New Glasses added this Month
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
2 Glasses from Sainsburys Sittingbourne (Free glass when you buy 4 cans/bottles).
1 Glass donated from a pub in Salisbury.
Collection total now stands at 2882 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1549 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Lowenbrau was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News March 2022
I have added 3 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 618 breweries, from 65 Countries.
10 New Glasses added this Month
3 Glasses from the Wild Horse Brewery (A Family gift from the brewery and a few bottles to try)
2 Glasses from Beautiful Beers in Bury St Edmunds.
1 Glass from the Greene King Brewery in Bury St Edmunds.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Bury St Edmunds.
3 Glasses from the Shepherd Neame brewery shop in Faversham.
Collection total now stands at 2877 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1486 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Brains was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News February 2022
I have added 1 new brewery this month, giving me a total of 615 breweries, from 65 Countries.
6 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from Martin Watson, an old work colleague.
2 Glasses from the Greene King Brewery in Bury St Edmunds.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
1 Glass from my family (A Christmas gift, glass and bottle set)
1 Glass from Beautiful Beers in Bury St Edmunds.
Collection total now stands at 2867 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1322 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Thatchers was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News January 2022
Thanks to Daniel Kerris for identifing one of my unknown glasses. Turns out it was from the Brubecker Brewery Co at 137 High Street Burton-on-Trent. Which at the time was part of the Bass group.
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 614 breweries, from 65 Countries.
2 New Glasses added this Month
2 Glasses from my family (A Christmas gift, glass and bottle set)
Collection total now stands at 2861 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1661 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Guinness was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News December 2021
Merry Christmas to all the fellow glass collectors and those that have exchanged, purchased and supplied me with glasses this year. Your help and support keeps this website going.
This month now holds the record for the highest amount of visitors since the website was launched in October 2014.
I have added 3 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 614 breweries, from 65 Countries.
9 New Glasses added this Month
3 Glasses from the Greene King Brewery in Bury St Edmunds.
3 Glasses from Beautiful Beers in Bury St Edmunds.
2 Glasses from the Adnams Brewery Shop in Bury St Edmunds.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Bury St Edmunds.
Collection total now stands at 2859 (Click the "Christmas logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 2208 visitors.
Glass Manufacture was the most viewed page.
Guinness was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News November 2021
I have added 4 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 611 breweries, from 65 Countries.
19 New Glasses added this Month
2 Glasses donated from a pub in Nottingham.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Maidstone.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Bury St Edmunds.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Nottingham.
2 Glasses from the Adnams Brewery Shop in Bury St Edmunds.
1 Glass donated from a pub in Bury St Edmunds.
4 Glasses picked up from a friend in Whitstable.
3 Glasses from Beautiful Beers in Bury St Edmunds.
Collection total now stands at 2850 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1831 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Thatchers was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News October 2021
The Website is 7 years old this month.
I have added 2 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 607 breweries, from 65 Countries.
21 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from B&M Queenborough (Two bottle gift set with glass).
3 Glasses from the Williams Brothers Brewing Company web site shop. www.williamsbrosbrew.com
6 Glasses from the Vocation Brewery web site shop. www.vocationbrewery.com
10 Glasses picked up from a friend in Whitstable.
1 Glass from Morrisons Queenborough (Free with a pack of Heineken).
Collection total now stands at 2831 (Click the "Trick or Beer logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 905 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Ind Coope was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News September 2021
The website hit a milestone this month, The collection now has over 1000 glasses from breweries in England.
Once again over 2000 visitors this month, just beating July 2021, this month now holds the record for the highest amount of visitors since the website was launched in October 2014.
I have added 1 new brewery this month, giving me a total of 605 breweries, from 65 Countries.
24 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from Morrisons Queenborough (Two can gift set with glass).
22 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney last month, doubles in his collection.
1 Glass from "The Sheerness East W.M.C." thanks to the Landlady Paula.
Collection total now stands at 2810 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 2171 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
KEO was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News August 2021
Visited fellow UK glass collector Vince Barney this month, who due to Covid-19 I haven't seen since February 2020. We did a few exchanges and I purchased a few of his doubles, which I will be adding over the next month or two.
Was also given a box of beer mats which I have started to add this month. Four months running the site has had over 2000 visitors.
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 604 breweries, from 65 Countries.
23 New Glasses added this Month
9 Glasses from the Bristol collection I picked up in April.
1 Glass from "The Sheerness East W.M.C." thanks to the Landlady Paula.
1 Glass exchanged with Brian Moore, another glass collector from the UK.
12 Glasses exchanged with Vince Barney, another glass collector from the UK.
Collection total now stands at 2786 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 2083 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Ind Coope was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News July 2021
Once again over 2000 visitors this month, just beating last months record. July 2021 now holds the record for the highest amount of visitors since the website was launched in October 2014.
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 604 breweries, from 65 Countries.
12 New Glasses added this Month
9 Glasses from the Bristol collection I picked up in April.
1 Glass from Morrisons Queenborough (Two can gift set with glass).
1 Glass donated from a Sittingbourne pub.
1 Glass from my son Liam (Fathers day gift).
Collection total now stands at 2763 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 2120 visitors.
Glass Manufacturer Marks was the most viewed page.
Thatchers was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.
This is the third time this year, this particular glass has been the most viewed.

Web Site News June 2021
Picked up my first glass with the new UKCA mark this month, which due to Brexit replaces the CE mark for the UK market.
Once again over 2000 visitors this month, just beating last month. June 2021 now holds the record for the highest amount of visitors since the website was launched in October 2014.
I have added 3 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 604 breweries, from 65 Countries.
In the last 12 months I have added 158 new glasses to the collection, 12 new breweries and no new countries.
19 New Glasses added this Month
13 Glasses from the Bristol collection I picked up in April.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
4 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from Co-op Minster.
Collection total now stands at 2751 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 2111 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Mythos was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News May 2021
For the second time in 6 years the web site has had over 2000 visitors. This month now holds the record for the highest amount of visitors since the website was launched in October 2014.
I have added 3 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 601 breweries, from 65 Countries.
57 New Glasses added this Month
57 Glasses from the Bristol collection I picked up in April.
Collection total now stands at 2732 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 2094 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Ind Coope was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News April 2021
Managed to pick up an unwanted glass collection of about 200 glasses from an ex-collector in Bristol. It's to many to sort all in one month,
so I shall be adding a few over the next few months as I work my way through the boxes.
I have added 2 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 598 breweries, from 65 Countries.
18 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from Morrisons Queenborough (Bottle Gift set with Glass).
17 Glasses from the Bristol collection I picked up this month.
Collection total now stands at 2675 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1691 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Thatchers was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.
This is the second time this glass has been the most viewed.
I have dozens of emails asking if I have this glass for sale, sorry! it came part of a Christmas (2019) gift set from Asda and I have none for sale.

Web Site News March 2021
Just a reminder that the Trade / Web Shop is closed, sales have been really good during the lock down and I have just run out of dupulicate glasses to offer at the moment.
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 596 breweries, from 65 Countries.
2 New Glasses added this Month
2 Glasses thanks to Richie, after he sorted his loft out.
Collection total now stands at 2657 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1537 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Thatchers was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News February 2021
Extremely frustrated and disappointed with THE DUVEL BREWERY this month, they are no longer taking orders from outside of Europe, blaming BREXIT and new tax and customs regulations. I have also taken the Trade / Web Shop down this month, sales have been really good during the lock down and I have just run out of dupulicate glasses to offer at the moment.
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 596 breweries, from 65 Countries.
1 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from Morrisons Queenborough (Bottle Gift set with Glass).
Collection total now stands at 2655 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1481 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Wychwood was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News January 2021
Happy New Year!
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 596 breweries, from 65 Countries.
4 New Glasses added this Month
4 Glasses from Tesco Sheerness (Bottle Gift set with Glass).
Collection total now stands at 2654 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1408 visitors.
Crown Stamps was the most viewed page.
Thatchers was the most viewed brewery.
The image above was the most viewed glass this month.

Web Site News December 2020
Merry Christmas to all the fellow glass collectors and those that have exchanged, purchased and supplied me with glasses this year. Your help and support keeps this website going. Not the best year for collecting glasses, with bars, breweries and shops closed due to Covid-19 and travel restrictions meant no holidays this year. Lets hope 2021 brings a bit more normality.
The website hit a milestone this month, for the first time in 6 years the web site has had over 2000 visitors. This month now holds the record for the highest amount of visitors since the website was launched in October 2014.
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 596 breweries, from 65 Countries.
2 New Glasses added this Month
2 Glasses from the Wychwood Brewery web site shop.
Collection total now stands at 2650 (Click the "Christmas logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 2009 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News November 2020
So, on Thursday November the 5th, Boris ordered ALL the pubs, clubs, restaurants and non essential shops to close again due to the second wave of coronavirus. This month now holds the record for the highest amount of visitors since the website was launched in 2014.
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 596 breweries, from 65 Countries.
8 New Glasses added this Month
3 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
1 Glass from Morrisons Queenborough (Bottle Gift set with Glass and Beer Mats).
1 Glass exchanged with Brian Moore, another glass collector from the UK.
3 Glasses from the Duvel web site shop.
Collection total now stands at 2648 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1878 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News October 2020
The Website is 6 years old this month, so I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the visitors, emails of support and most importantly all the people that help find glasses, exchange and buy glasses from me.
I have added 1 new brewery this month, giving me a total of 596 breweries, from 65 Countries.
11 New Glasses added this Month
2 Glasses from the Duvel web site shop.
1 Glass from the Wychwood Brewery web site shop.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Faversham.
1 Glass from Tesco Sheerness (Bottle Gift set with Glass).
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Maidstone.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
2 Glasses from B&M Queenborough (Gift sets with Glass).
Collection total now stands at 2640 (Click the "Trick or Beer logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1569 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News September 2020
A special thank you this month to Gabriele (Design Manager, Bormioli Rocco Italy) for sending me some great information on glass manufacterers.
I have added 3 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 595 breweries, from 65 Countries.
16 New Glasses added this Month
4 Glasses from the Wychwood Brewery web site shop, a Birthday gift from my wife Sue.
7 Glasses exchanged with Tim Klingl, a glass collector from Germany.
4 Glasses & a bag of beer mats thanks to Richie, after he sorted his loft out.
1 Glass thanks to Tony, after he visited the Woodforde's Brewery.
Collection total now stands at 2629 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1351 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News August 2020
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 592 breweries, from 65 Countries.
16 New Glasses added this Month
3 Glasses from the Duvel web site shop.
7 Glasses from the Shepherd Neame brewery shop in Faversham.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Faversham.
1 Glass from "The New Inn" in Sittingbourne thanks to the Landlord.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from "The Sheerness East W.M.C." thanks to the Landlady Paula.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Maidstone.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
Collection total now stands at 2613 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1651 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News July 2020
At last pubs reopen on the 4 July, but for how long? As everyone is still talking about a second wave of covid hitting us in October.
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 592 breweries, from 65 Countries.
4 New Glasses added this Month
2 Glasses from Co-op Sheerness.
1 Glass from Co-op Minster.
1 Glass from Sainsburys Sittingbourne (Free glass when you buy 4 bottles).
Collection total now stands at 2597 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1414 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News June 2020
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 592 breweries, from 65 Countries.
In the last 12 months I have added 263 new glasses to the collection, 35 new breweries and 6 new countries. A good amount of web traffic and demand for glasses from my trade section again this month, with glasses being sent successfully across the UK and to the Republic of Ireland. Thanks to Joe for the positive feed back.
"The four glasses arrived intact today TYVM. I can quite honestly state that the packaging was the best I ever encountered. Whoever packed them knew his/her business there was NO way those glasses were getting broken barring a bulldozer falling on them. Best wishes for many happy sales."Joe (RoI).
4 New Glasses added this Month
4 Glasses from the Duvel web site shop.
Collection total now stands at 2593 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1596 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News May 2020
With last months extra web traffic came an increase for the demand of glasses from my trade section, with glasses being sent successfully across the UK. This month now holds the record for the highest amount of visitors since the website was launched in 2014. New glasses added to the trade section and in the process of sorting these out I found one that I thought was a duplicate but turned out not to be. You really need to check the details on glasses carefully.
I have added 1 new brewery this month, giving me a total of 592 breweries, from 65 Countries.
11 New Glasses added this Month
6 Glasses from the Williams Brothers Brewing Company web site shop.
1 Glass discovered with my duplicates that was not duplicate (Bonus!)
4 Glasses from the Abbeydale Brewery web site shop.
Collection total now stands at 2589 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1656 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News April 2020
Happy Easter, hope everyone is staying safe as the coronavirus pandemic continues to keep the UK and other countries World wide in a state of lock down. This month had the highest amount of visitors since the website was launched in 2014. Thank you for your emails and support.
I have added 2 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 591 breweries, from 65 Countries.
16 New Glasses added this Month
5 Glasses exchanged with Ron Carter, another glass collector from the UK.
7 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney, doubles in his collection.
2 Glasses from Morrisons Queenborough (Bottle Gift set with Glass).
1 Glass (Bottle Gift set with Glass).
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
Collection total now stands at 2578 (Click the "Easter Bunny Beer logo"" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1289 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News March 2020
So, on Friday March the 20th, Boris ordered ALL the pubs, clubs, restaurants and non essential shops to close due to the coronavirus outbreak. So glass collecting will need to take a backseat for a while, however I still have quite a few glasses and beer mats to add on the website, so should give me an opportunity to get the collection back up to date.
I have added 4 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 589 breweries, from 65 Countries.
22 New Glasses added this Month
6 Glasses exchanged with Vince Barney, another glass collector from the UK.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
11 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney, doubles in his collection.
2 Glasses from my local Indian Restaurant (Koh-i-noor) thanks to Atik
1 Glass exchanged with Ron Carter, another glass collector from the UK.
Collection total now stands at 2562 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 850 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News February 2020
Visited fellow glass collector Vince Barney this month, we did a few exchanges and I purchased a few of his doubles, which I will be adding over the next month or two.
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 585 breweries, from 64 Countries.
20 New Glasses added this Month
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Canterbury.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
4 Glasses from the McEwan's web site shop.
3 Glasses from the Duvel web site shop.
9 Glasses exchanged with Vince Barney, another glass collector from the UK.
Collection total now stands at 2540 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 895 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News January 2020
Happy New Year!
I have added 1 new brewery this month, giving me a total of 585 breweries, from 64 Countries.
15 New Glasses added this Month
3 Glasses from the Charity Shop in Queenborough.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
2 Glasses a Christmas gift from my son Liam & Mercedes.
5 Glasses a Christmas gift from my wife Sue.
1 Glass donated from a Minster pub.
1 Glass from Tesco Sheerness (Bottle Gift set with Glass).
Collection total now stands at 2520 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 978 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News December 2019
Merry Christmas to all the fellow glass collectors and those that have exchanged, purchased and supplied me with glasses this year. Your help and support keeps this website going.
The web site and collection hit a mile stone this month. I now have 100 different Guinness glasses.
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 584 breweries, from 64 Countries.
10 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from Morrisons Queenborough (Bottle Gift set with Glass).
8 Glasses exchanged with Stephen Southwood, another glass collector from the UK.
1 Glass from The Rose Inn (Queenborough) thanks to Dave the landlord.
Collection total now stands at 2505 (Click the "Christmas Beer logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 991 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News November 2019
A quiet month for collecting, so got a few beer mats added this month that I had picked up during the last couple of months.
I have added 2 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 584 breweries, from 64 Countries.
17 New Glasses added this Month
2 Glasses donated from a Sheerness pub.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Maidstone.
3 Glasses from The Flying Sheep Micro pub (Sheerness) thanks to Amanda.
8 Glasses exchanged with Stephen Southwood, another glass collector from the UK.
1 Glass given to me by a work colleague.
1 Glass donated from a Maidstone pub thanks to my daughter Hayley & Lewis.
Collection total now stands at 2495 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1111 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News October 2019
The Website is 5 years old this month, so I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the visitors, emails of support and most importantly all the people that help find glasses, exchange and buy glasses from me.
I have added 4 new breweries this month and 2 new countries (Latvia & Slovakia), giving me a total of 582 breweries, from 64 Countries.
38 New Glasses added this Month
2 Glasses donated from a Cirencester pub.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass and several beers mats from The Admiral's Arm Micro pub (Queenborough) thanks to Chris & Rachel Collier.
1 Glass from B&M Queenborough (1 Bottle Gift set with Glass).
2 Glasses from the Donnington Brewery. A holiday gift from my parents Pete & Jean.
3 Glasses from the Arundel Brewery. A holiday gift from my parents Pete & Jean.
16 Glasses exchanged with Stephen Southwood, another glass collector from the UK.
2 Glasses from Tesco Sheerness (Bottle Gift set with Glass).
2 Glasses from Morrisons Queenborough (Beer glass promotion).
4 Glasses from the Curious brewery in Ashford (See out and about).
1 Glass from the Shepherd Neame brewery shop in Faversham.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Faversham.
1 Glass from my son Liam.
Collection total now stands at 2478 (Click the "Trick or Beer logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1066 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News September 2019
Another good month, added some new glasses to the trade section and sold a few to the North of England and Scotland which is greatly appreciated and helps fund the Website.
I have added 11 new breweries this month and 1 new country (Barbados), giving me a total of 578 breweries, from 62 Countries.
45 New Glasses added this Month
24 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney, doubles in his collection.
5 Glasses picked up from a friend in Whitstable.
1 Glass from an antique shop in Warwick. A holiday gift from my parents Pete & Jean.
1 Glass donated from a Warwick pub. A holiday gift from my parents Pete & Jean.
6 Glasses from the Purity Brewery. A holiday gift from my parents Pete & Jean.
3 Glasses from the Lower Road car boot sale.
1 Glass donated from a Sittingbourne pub.
1 Glass from my local Indian Restaurant (Koh-i-noor) thanks to Atik
1 Glass from Asda Sittingbourne (Beer glass promotion).
2 Glasses from the Wychwood Brewery web site shop.
Collection total now stands at 2440 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 978 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News August 2019
Had a good August, got out and about visiting some new breweries and fellow glass collector Vince Barney. Picked up 77 glasses this month but only had time to get 42 on the website, so I have quite a few to carry over to September. For the third month running the web site has had over 1000 visitors, with this month having the highest amount of visitors since the website was launched in 2014.
I have added 5 new breweries this month and 1 new country (Serbia), giving me a total of 567 breweries, from 61 Countries.
42 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Maidstone.
1 Glass donated from a Leysdown pub.
9 Glasses exchanged with Vince Barney, another glass collector from the UK.
3 Glasses donated from various Taunton pubs
3 Glasses from the Quantock brewery in Taunton (See out and about).
1 Glass donated from an Abergavenny pub
2 Glasses from the Stonehouse brewery in Oswestry (See out and about).
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Banbury.
19 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney, doubles in his collection.
1 Glass from The Admiral's Arm Micro pub (Queenborough) thanks to Chris & Rachel Collier.
Collection total now stands at 2395 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1124 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News July 2019
Successfully sent glasses across the Atlantic to Brazil, which is greatly appreciated and helps fund the Website. Also for the second month running the web site has had over 1000 visitors.
I have added 5 new breweries this month and 1 new country (Brazil), giving me a total of 562 breweries, from 60 Countries.
23 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass donated from The Old House at Home pub (Queenborough) thanks to the Landlady.
20 Glasses exchanged with Stephen Southwood, another glass collector from the UK.
1 Glass from Sittingbourne Market (2 Bottle set with Glass) a gift from my son Liam.
1 Glass from Morrisons Queenborough (12 Bottle set with Glass).
Collection total now stands at 2353 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1078 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News June 2019
Added a few more glasses to the trade section this month and the amount of visitors visiting the website hit an all time high this month as well.
For only the second time in 4 years the web site has had over 1000 visitors. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your continuous support. In the last 12 months I have added 257 new glasses to the collection and added 57 new breweries. Including 3 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 557 breweries, from 59 Countries.
12 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from Asda Sittingbourne (2 Bottle set with Glass).
1 Glass from Morrisons Sittingbourne (1 Bottle set with Glass).
8 Glasses picked up from a friend in Whitstable.
1 Glass from The Admiral's Arm Micro pub (Queenborough) thanks to Chris & Rachel Collier.
1 Glass from my son Liam.
Collection total now stands at 2330 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1093 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News May 2019
Not a bad month, had a nice little break in Stourbridge, visited some nice pubs and tried some great locally brewed beers. Also had some nice emails from collectors in Brazil and Australia, thanks guys, your feedback, comments and views on the web site are much appreciated.
I have added 4 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 554 breweries, from 59 Countries.
15 New Glasses added this Month
4 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
2 Glasses from The Admiral's Arm Micro pub (Queenborough) thanks to Chris & Rachel Collier.
2 Glasses from the Green Duck Beer Co. brewery in Stourbridge thanks to Kiz (See out and about).
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Stourbridge.
3 Glasses donated from various Stourbridge pubs.
1 Glass from the Murston Co-op in Sittingbourne (Beer glass promotion).
1 Glass from my son Liam.
Collection total now stands at 2318 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 991 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News April 2019
A very quiet month for collecting, not much around at the moment.
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 550 breweries, from 59 Countries.
4 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Ashford.
2 Glasses from The Admiral's Arm Micro pub (Queenborough) thanks to Chris & Rachel Collier.
Collection total now stands at 2303 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 733 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News March 2019
Added the rest of the beer glasses that I purchased from Vince last month and added a few more beer mats that I had kicking around the house.
I have added 7 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 550 breweries, from 59 Countries.
19 New Glasses added this Month
6 Glasses exchanged with Vince Barney, another glass collector from the UK.
1 Glass donated from a Sheerness pub.
10 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney, doubles in his collection.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Maidstone.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
Collection total now stands at 2299 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 724 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News February 2019
Visited fellow glass collector Vince Barney again this month, we did a few exchanges and I purchased a few more of his doubles which I will be adding over the next few weeks.
I have added 4 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 543 breweries, from 59 Countries.
17 New Glasses added this Month
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
2 Glasses from the Dark Revolution Brewery. (See out and about)
3 Glasses donated from various Salisbury pubs.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Salisbury.
8 Glasses exchanged with Vince Barney, another glass collector from the UK.
Collection total now stands at 2280 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 673 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News January 2019
Happy New Year!
I have added 1 new brewery this month, giving me a total of 539 breweries, from 59 Countries.
20 New Glasses added this Month
9 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Ashford.
5 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Faversham.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Shepherd Neame brewery shop in Faversham.
1 Glass from Martin Watson.
2 Glasses from The Rose Inn (Queenborough) thanks to Dave the landlord.
Collection total now stands at 2263 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 732 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News December 2018
Merry Christmas to all the fellow glass collectors and those that have exchanged, purchased and supplied me with glasses this year. Your help and support keeps this website going.
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 538 breweries, from 59 Countries.
13 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass donated from a Minster pub.
1 Glass donated from a Queenborough pub.
1 Glass donated from a Sheerness pub.
5 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
2 Glasses a Christmas gift from my son Liam & Mercedes.
2 Glasses a Christmas gift from my wife.
1 Glass exchanged with Brian Moore, another glass collector from the UK.
Collection total now stands at 2243 (Click the "Christmas Beer logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 927 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News November 2018
For the first time in 4 years the web site has had over 1000 visitors. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your continuous support. With this extra web traffic came an increase for the demand of glasses from my trade section, with glasses being sent successfully across the UK and to Iowa in the USA, which is greatly appreciated and helps fund the Website.
I have added 5 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 538 breweries, from 59 Countries.
27 New Glasses added this Month
2 Glasses from a Thrift store in Mississauga, Ontario (The Salvation Army Thrift Store) 99cents / 59p each!
6 Glasses from a Thrift store in Mississauga, Ontario (Value Village) up to $1.99 / £1.15 each
2 Glasses from the Niagara Brewing Company, Niagara, Ontario. (See out and about)
1 Glass donated from a Boston Pizza (Sports Bar) in Markham, Ontario.
1 Glass donated from a Hotel Bar in Markham, Ontario.
1 Glass from a Thrift store in Kingston, Ontario (Value Village) $1.50 / 87p
1 Glass donated from a Bar in Montréal, Québec.
2 Glasses donated from a Hotel Bar in Montréal, Québec.
1 Glass from Martin Watson.
4 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Canterbury.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
1 Glass donated from a Hotel Bar in Tunbridge Wells a holiday gift from my parents Pete & Jean.
1 Glass from Tesco Sheerness (Beer glass promotion).
Collection total now stands at 2230 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 1054 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News October 2018
It's that time of year again, Autumn has arrived which means the clock's go back, Halloween and shorter days. All the local boot fairs have come to an end, once again they have been quite disappointing with not many glasses found. However! on a positive note, I had a great two weeks in Canada, picking up 22 new glasses for the collection and some beer mats, which I will be adding over the next few weeks. Also the web site is 4 years old this month, so I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the visitors, emails of support and most importantly all the people that help find glasses, exchange and buy glasses from me. I have added 3 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 533 breweries, from 59 Countries.
13 New Glasses added this Month
3 Glasses from Morrisons Queenborough (Beer glass promotion).
1 Glass donated from a Golf Club in Canterbury.
1 Glass from Tesco Sheerness (Beer glass promotion).
1 Glass from the Charity Shop in Queenborough.
1 Glass donated from a Sheerness pub.
3 Glasses from the Bicycle Craft Brewery in Ottawa, Ontario. (See out and about)
1 Glass donated from an Ottawa, Ontario pub / restaurant.
2 Glasses from a Thrift store in Belleville, Ontario (Society St Vincent De Paul) 25cents / 15p each!
Collection total now stands at 2203 (Click the "Trick or Beer logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 906 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News September 2018
I have added 7 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 530 breweries, from 59 Countries.
Added a few more beer mats this month as well, over 100 can now be found at the bottom of the relevant brewery pages. Managed to get this years Hobgoblin special edition Halloween glass early this year, but it must be the most boring design they have done to date. For a brewery that always has great artwork on their bottle labels and merchandise the 2018 glass comes up short this year.
19 New Glasses added this Month
6 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Faversham.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
7 Glasses from The Admiral's Arm Micro pub (Queenborough) thanks to Chris & Rachel Collier.
3 Glasses from Tesco Sheerness (Beer glass promotion).
1 Glass from the Wychwood Brewery web site shop.
Collection total now stands at 2190 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 742 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News August 2018
I have added 18 new breweries this month and 2 new countries (Croatia & Corsica), giving me a total of 523 breweries, from 59 Countries.
Visited fellow glass collector Vince Barney again this month, we did a few exchanges and I purchased a few more of his doubles.
80 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from Croatia, a holiday gift from Sarah & Lee.
1 Glass from Tenerife, a holiday gift from my son Liam.
2 Glasses from Red Cat Brewing brewery shop.(See out and about)
3 Glasses from Alfred's Brewery shop.(See out and about)
1 Glass donated from a Winchester pub.
6 Glasses from the Hepworth Brewery shop.(See out and about)
1 Glass from the Firebird Brewery shop.(See out and about)
6 Glasses exchanged with Vince Barney, another glass collector from the UK.
46 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney, doubles in his collection.
6 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Maidstone.
1 Glass donated from a Southampton pub, a holiday gift from my parents Pete & Jean.
2 Glasses from the Dead Lizard Brewery, a holiday gift from my daughter Hayley & Lewis.
2 Glasses from the Shepherd Neame brewery shop in Faversham.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Faversham.
Collection total now stands at 2171 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 907 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News July 2018
I have added 5 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 505 breweries, from 57 Countries. Added a few more glasses to the trade section this month that are duplicates in my collection, over 115 glasses now available to trade with other collectors or to buy. I also started to add the odd beer mat that I have acquired over the years, these can be found at the bottom of the relevant brewery page. About 48 beer mats added so far, should help when trying to identify the age of a glass by its logo.
18 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from Morrisons Queenborough (Bottle / Glass promotion).
1 Glass donated from a Sittingbourne pub.
1 Glass donated from a Sheerness pub.
3 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
12 Glasses exchanged with Werner Anthony, a glass collector from the Philippines.
Collection total now stands at 2091 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 801 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News June 2018
In the last 12 months I have added 488 new glasses to the collection and added 75 new breweries.
Including 13 new breweries added this month, giving me a total of 500 breweries, from 57 Countries.
28 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from the Shepherd Neame brewery shop in Faversham.
1 Glass from the Murston Co-op in Sittingbourne (Gift Set).
7 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Faversham.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Rochester.
1 Glass from The Admiral's Arm Micro pub thanks to Chris Collier.
1 Glass donated from a Sittingbourne pub.
14 Glasses from the Lower Road car boot sale.
Collection total now stands at 2073 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 769 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News May 2018
I have added 3 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 487 breweries, from 57 Countries.
32 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from the Leysdown car boot sale.
1 Glass from the Lower Road car boot sale.
1 Glass donated from a Sittingbourne pub.
1 Glass donated from a Stourbridge pub.
1 Glass from Sittingbourne Market.
3 Glasses from the Banks's Brewery Shop.
1 Glass from the Wychwood Brewery web site shop.
10 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Chatham.
10 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney in February, doubles in his collection.
Collection total now stands at 2045 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 701 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News April 2018
The Collection has hit the 2000 mark this month and I want to thank all those that have helped getting it to this point.
I have added 8 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 484 breweries, from 57 Countries.
39 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from the Westerham Brewery, a holiday gift from my parents Pete & Jean.
1 Glass donated from a Tunbridge Wells pub.
1 Glass from The Heritage Micro pub thanks to Melvin Hopper
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Tunbridge Wells.
3 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
25 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney in February, doubles in his collection.
5 Glasses exchanged with Werner Anthony, a glass collector from the Philippines.
Collection total now stands at 2013 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 656 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News March 2018
I have added 5 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 476 breweries, from 57 Countries.
48 New Glasses added this Month
40 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney in February, doubles in his collection.
1 Glass donated from a Sheerness pub.
7 Glasses from Tenerife, a holiday gift from my daughter Hayley & Lewis.
Collection total now stands at 1974 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 603 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News February 2018
So I managed to finish updating the Letchworth collection I picked up in November. It turned out to be 188 glasses, of which 126 have been added to the collection and the other 62 have been added to the trade section.
I also visited fellow glass collector Vince Barney this month, we did a few exchanges and I purchased quite a few of his doubles, which I will be adding over the next month or two. It was great to see his glass room and his collection of over 4500 glasses, very impressive!
I have added 3 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 471 breweries, from 57 Countries. I have also added my first Edwardian branded beer glass. A Carlsberg pint glass dating from 1901 to 1910, making it the oldest glass in my collection.
36 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
1 Glass from the Charity Shop in Queenborough.
1 Glass donated from a Sittingbourne pub.
7 Glasses from the ex-Letchworth collection picked up in November.
2 Glasses from my local Indian Restaurant (Koh-i-noor) thanks to Atik
2 Glasses from Morrisons Queenborough (Gift Set).
8 Glasses exchanged with Vince Barney, another glass collector from the UK.
13 Glasses purchased from Vince Barney, doubles in his collection.
Collection total now stands at 1926 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 441 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News January 2018
Happy New Year!
I started a new job this month so didn't have much spare time to get things done to the web site.
I have added no new breweries this month, giving me a total of 468 breweries, from 57 Countries.
8 New Glasses added this Month
7 Glasses from the ex-Letchworth collection picked up in November.
1 Glass from my Father in law Martin (A Christmas Gift)
Collection total now stands at 1890 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

This month the web site had 475 visitors from the above continents.

Web Site News December 2017
Merry Christmas to all the fellow glass collectors and a Happy New Year.
I have added 7 new breweries this month and 1 new country (Sicily), giving me a total of 468 breweries, from 57 Countries.
87 New Glasses added this Month
84 Glasses from the ex-Letchworth collection picked up in November.
1 Glass from Asda Sittingbourne (A Christmas Gift set).
1 Glass exchanged with Brian Moore, another glass collector from the UK.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
Collection total now stands at 1882 (Click the "Christmas Beer logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

Web Site News November 2017
An excellent month for collecting, managed to pick up an unwanted glass collection of about 200 glasses from an ex-collector in Letchworth. It's to many to sort all in one month, so I shall be adding a few over the next few months as I work my way through the boxes.
I have added 5 new breweries this month and 1 new country (Egypt), giving me a total of 461 breweries, from 56 Countries.
40 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Tunbridge Wells.
3 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Maidstone.
3 Glasses donated from local Sheppey pubs.
1 Glass donated from a pub in Chatham.
2 Glasses from B&M Queenborough (A Christmas Gift set).
1 Glass from Aldi Sheerness (A Christmas Gift set).
28 Glasses from the ex-Letchworth collection.
Collection total now stands at 1795 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

Web Site News October 2017
The local boot fairs have come to an end and were quite disappointing, not many glasses found at them this year. However, on a good note the yearly limited addition Hobgoblin Halloween glass arrived just in time for Halloween. The web site is also 3 years old this month.
I have added 6 new breweries this month and 1 new country (Luxembourg), giving me a total of 456 breweries, from 55 Countries.
46 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from Tesco Sheerness (Free glass with a pack of Ciders).
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
3 Glasses from Darts Farm (Exeter, Devon)
6 Glasses from the St Austell Brewery (See out and about)
2 Glasses donated from various pubs in St Austell.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Weymouth.
1 Glass donated from various pubs in Weymouth.
2 Glasses from the Triple FFF Brewery (See out and about)
2 Glasses from the Hogs Back Brewery (See out and about)
25 Glasses from the Vanuxeem Brasserie-Brouweriy (Belgium) (See out and about)
1 Glass from the Wychwood Brewery web site shop.
Collection total now stands at 1755 (Click the "Trick or Beer logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

Web Site News September 2017
At last, all the breweries have now been updated in full to the new format.
I have added 13 new breweries this month, giving me a total of 450 breweries, from 54 Countries.
42 New Glasses added this Month
15 Glasses from Darts Farm (Exeter, Devon) a birthday gift from my daughter Hayley & Lewis.
1 Glass a birthday gift from Lewis.
7 Glasses a birthday gift from my son Liam & Mercedes.
1 Glass from the Hammerpot Brewery, a holiday gift from my parents Pete & Jean.
2 Glasses from the Harvey's Brewery, a holiday gift from my parents Pete & Jean.
1 Glass from the Arundel Brewery, a holiday gift from my parents Pete & Jean.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Chatham.
5 Glasses exchanged with Wilf Ellis, another glass collector from the UK.
6 Glasses exchanged with Vince Barney, another glass collector from the UK.
1 Glass from Morrisons Queenborough (Free glass with a pack of Ciders).
Collection total now stands at 1709 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

Web Site News August 2017
A good month for glass collecting, got out and about to a few new places and tried some great new beers this August.
422 of the 437 breweries have now been updated in full.
6 new breweries added this month
66 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Cardiff.
4 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Keswick.
3 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Glasgow.
3 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Rainham.
1 Glass from France, a holiday gift from my son Liam & Mercedes.
1 Glass from the Crafty Devil Cellar Bar and Shop in Cardiff (See out and about)
3 Glasses from the Tiny Rebel "Urban Tap House" in Cardiff (See out and about)
5 Glasses from the Brewdog Bar in Cardiff (See out and about)
2 Glasses donated from various pubs in Cardiff.
1 Glass donated from various pubs in Cockermouth.
1 Glass donated from various pubs in Glasgow.
3 Glasses from Lancaster Brewery shop (See out and about)
13 Glasses from The Jennings Brewery shop (See out and about)
3 Glasses from The Keswick Brewing Company shop (See out and about)
7 Glasses from The Tennent's Brewery (See out and about)
4 Glasses from The Drygate Brewery (See out and about)
2 Glasses from The WEST Brewery (WEST on the Green) (See out and about)
4 Glasses from the Westons Brewery, a holiday gift from my parents Pete & Jean.
4 Glasses from Hereford, a holiday gift from my parents and in-laws.
Collection total now stands at 1667 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

Web Site News July 2017
411 of the 431 breweries have now been updated in full.
6 new breweries added this month
19 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from Morrisons Queenborough (Free glass with a pack of beers).
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
12 Glasses exchanged with Vince Barney, another glass collector from the UK.
1 Glass from the Lower Road car boot sale.
1 Glass from my local Indian Restaurant (Koh-i-noor) thanks to Atik
Collection total now stands at 1601 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

Web Site News June 2017
In the last 12 months since starting this news page I have added 355 new glasses to the collection and added 67 new breweries.
397 of the 425 breweries have now been updated in full.
18 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Tonbridge.
6 Glasses from The Heritage Micro pub thanks to Melvin Hopper
8 Glasses as a fathers day gift from my daughter Hayley and son Liam
1 Glass from my local Indian Restaurant (Koh-i-noor) thanks to Atik
1 Glass exchanged with Brian Moore, another glass collector from the UK.
1 Glass from Chris Blades.
Collection total now stands at 1582 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

Web Site News May 2017
Not a bad month for collecting but not much found at the boot fairs
A lot of updates completed and all new glasses added, 384 of the 418 breweries have now been updated in full.
23 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from The Admiral's Arm Micro pub thanks to Chris Collier
2 Glasses from The Heritage Micro pub thanks to Melvin Hopper
1 Glass donated from a Sittingbourne pub.
1 Glass donated from a Hollingbourne pub (Maidstone), thanks to Lewis.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Faversham.
4 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shop in Queenborough.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Lewes.
6 Glasses exchanged with Vince Barney, another glass collector from the UK.
2 Glasses from the Arundel Brewery, a holiday gift from my parents Pete & Jean.
2 Glasses from the Harvey's Brewery, a holiday gift from my parents Pete & Jean.
Collection total now stands at 1564 (Click the "Gullies Glasses logo" to view all glasses added this month.)

Web Site News April 2017
It's April.... with the return of the local boot fairs, the start of glass hunting season officially begins. The trade section is also back up and running this month and I have completed some trades with other collectors already. I will be adding more to the trade section as they get sorted. (Over 60 glasses available for trade listed this month)
Got a lot done this month with the brewery updates in to the new format, over the three quarter mark now and less than a hundred to go. 330 of the 415 breweries have now been updated in full.
48 New Glasses added this Month
6 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Maldon (Essex).
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
2 Glasses donated from local Sheppey pubs.
1 Glass from my local Chinese Restaurant thanks to Charlie.
1 Glass from the Shepherd Neame brewery shop in Faversham.
1 Glass from the Larkins Brewery, a holiday gift from my parents Pete & Jean.
3 Glasses from Water.org.
3 Glasses from the Brentwood brewery shop in Brentwood (Essex).
2 Glasses from the Maldon Brewing Company shop in Maldon (Essex).
3 Glasses from the Crouch Vale Brewery shop in South Woodham Ferrers (Essex).
2 Glasses from the Leysdown boot sale.
7 Glasses from the Lower Road car boot sale.
8 Glasses exchanged with Wilf Ellis, another glass collector from the UK.
7 Glasses exchanged with Vince Barney, another glass collector from the UK.
Collection total now stands at 1541 (All added and up to date.)

Web Site News March 2017
Another quiet month for collecting. Not much around at the moment.
256 of the 406 breweries have now been updated in full.
9 New Glasses added this Month
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Maidstone.
3 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass donated from a local Sheppey pub.
1 Glass exchanged with Brian Moore, another glass collector from the UK.
1 Glass from Martin Watson.
1 Glass from Gran Canaria, a holiday gift from my daughter Hayley & Lewis.
Collection total now stands at 1493 (2 still to add to this site.)

Web Site News February 2017
Not got much done over the last few months, been busy with work issues.
231 of the 404 breweries have now been updated in full.
9 New Glasses added this Month
6 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Maidstone.
2 Glasses from The Admiral's Arm Micro pub thanks to Chris Collier
Collection total now stands at 1484 (11 still to add to this site.)

Web Site News January 2017
New Country added this month, a glass from Papua New Guinea
215 of the 399 breweries have now been updated in full. I'm now over the half way point.
15 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
9 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
1 Glass donated from a local Sheppey pub.
1 Glass from my local Chinese Restaurant thanks to Charlie.
1 Glass from a seller on Ebay.
2 Glasses from Martin Watson at work.
Collection total now stands at 1475 (24 still to add to this site.)

Web Site News December 2016
Merry Christmas to all my fellow glass collectors and a Happy New Year.
194 of the 393 breweries have now been updated in full.
22 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
1 Glass from my local Indian Restaurant (Koh-i-noor) thanks to Atik
1 Glass from The Admiral's Arm Micro pub thanks to Chris Collier
8 Glasses from my daughter Hayley (A Christmas Gift)
7 Glasses from my son Liam (A Christmas Gift)
2 Glasses exchanged with Brian Moore, another glass collector from the UK.
Collection total now stands at 1460 (37 still to add to this site.)

Web Site News November 2016
A very quiet month for collecting not much around. Got a fair bit up dated though.
190 of the 392 breweries have now been updated in full.
7 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
4 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Maidstone.
1 Glass from Sainsbury's (A Christmas Gift set).
1 Glass from Martin Watson at work.
Collection total now stands at 1438 (23 still to add to this site.)

Web Site News October 2016
It's that time of year when Wychwood lunch the yearly limited addition Hobgoblin Halloween glass and all the spooky named real ales appear in the shops. The clock's go back, the boot fairs start coming to an end and another really good month for collecting. The web site is 2 years old this month and the upgrades started in July are going well.
147 of the 386 breweries have now been updated in full. I'm now just over a third of the way through.
72 New Glasses added this Month
4 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Edinburgh.
1 Glass from a Charity Shop in Fort William.
1 Glass from a Charity Shop in Inverness.
4 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Stourbridge.
1 Glass from a seller on Ebay.
1 Glass from Tesco's (A Christmas Gift set).
1 Glass from the Sheerness East club thanks to Dave the Steward
4 Glasses from the Aviator thanks to Phil the landlord
2 Glasses donated from various pubs & hotels in Edinburgh.
1 Glass donated from a pub in Inverness.
2 Glasses donated from a pub in Stirling.
5 Glasses from the Brew Dog Bar in Edinburgh.
3 Glasses from the Green Duck Beer Co. brewery in Stourbridge thanks to Kiz
4 Glasses from the Cairngorm Brewery Shop.
4 Glasses from the Inveralmond Brewery Shop.
8 Glasses from the Banks's Brewery Shop.
1 Glass from the Wychwood Brewery web site shop.
3 Glasses from the Westerham Brewery, a holiday gift from my parents Pete & Jean.
20 Glasses exchanged with Ron Carter, another glass collector from the UK.
Collection total now stands at 1431 (60 still to add to this site.)

Web Site News September 2016
Pleased with the updating of the site, things are starting to run a bit quicker. I closed the trade section this month to re-vamp it, hopefully should have it back up and running in a few months (once I'm happy with the format).
105 of the 373 breweries have now been updated in full.
18 New Glasses added this Month
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sheerness.
1 Glass from the Charity Shop in Queenborough.
11 Glasses from the Robinsons Brewery (Stockport) a birthday gift from my daughter Hayley & Lewis.
3 Glasses donated from a hotel in Manchester.
2 Glasses (1 from Bulgaria), a holiday gift from Paul Rees at work.
Collection total now stands at 1360 (23 still to add to this site.)

Web Site News August 2016
Updating of the web site is going well, most of the main pages and sub menus are now complete and 56 of the 358 breweries have been updated in full. This month has been the best I have ever had for collecting, but with all of the updates I'm getting seriously behind on adding the new glasses to the website.
New Country (Island) added this month, a glass from Madeira.
76 New Glasses added this Month
3 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Chatham.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Maidstone.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Charity Shops in Arundel.
2 Glasses from the Lower Road car boot sale.
1 Glass from my local Indian Restaurant (Koh-i-noor) thanks to Atik
1 Glass donated from a local Sheppey pub.
4 Glasses donated from various pubs & hotels in Bruges.
4 Glasses donated from various pubs & hotels in Antwerp.
28 Glasses from shops in Bruges (See out and about)
4 Glasses from the Bruges Beer Museum.
6 Glasses from the Bourgogne des Flandres Brewery (Bruges).
3 Glasses from the De Halve Maan Brewery (Bruges).
7 Glasses from the De Koninck Brewery (Antwerp).
1 Glass from Pidou Wine Market (Calais).
2 Glasses from Terre de Boissons (City of Europe Calais).
3 Glasses from Blackpool (Lytham Brewery), a holiday gift from my daughter Hayley & Lewis.
3 Glasses from Arundel (Arundel Brewery), a holiday gift from my parents Pete & Jean .
2 Glasses from Ilminster Somerset (Perry's Cider), a holiday gift from my parents Pete & Jean .
1 Glass from Madeira, a holiday gift from Sean Barnard at work.
Collection total now stands at 1342 (A lot still to be added to this site.)

Web Site News July 2016
The planning and design work on this web site started two years ago and was launched in the October (2014). So to help celebrate it's upcoming Birthday I've decided it's time for a little make over. Add a few new bits, change a few things that I wasn't quite happy with and I get to try out some new code that I've learnt over the last two years. So some pages will display in the old format for a while.
New Country added this month, a glass from Morocco.
56 New Glasses added this Month
5 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Sittingbourne.
1 Glass from the Charity Shop in Queenborough.
2 Glasses from the Charity Shops in Poole.
14 Glasses from the Lower Road car boot sale.
10 Glasses from the Canford Park Arena car boot sale.
4 Glasses from the Poole Stadium car boot sale.
1 Glass donated from a local Sheppey pub.
1 Glass donated from a Sittingbourne pub.
4 Glasses from The Brewhouse and Kitchen Poole (See out and about)
5 Glasses donated from various pubs in Poole.
4 Glasses from the Ringwood Brewery Shop.
3 Glasses from the Hall & Woodhouse Brewery Shop.
1 Glass from Barcelona, a holiday gift from my daughter Hayley & Lewis.
1 Glass from Marrakech Morocco, a holiday gift from Chris Blades at work.
Collection total now stands at 1264 (some still to be added to this site.)