Northern Ireland - Breweries
Thomas Caffrey Brewery
Click on a beer glass for more information

Additional Information
Thomas Caffrey first established the Ulster Brewery in Queen Street, Belfast in 1897. The brewery was acquired by Charringtons (later Bass Charrington) in 1964 & then by Interbrew in 2000. On July 6 2004, Interbrew, announced their intention to dispose of the site of the brewery. Having no takers, they in turn closed the brewery in 2005. Still brewed by Molson Coors.
Caffrey's Irish Ale was launched in 1994 and marketed as a beer which combined features from other types of beer, It could be served as cold as lager, its texture would be as smooth as stout, while its taste was that of an ale.
Some of the Brewery's Range
Caffrey's Irish Ale - Launched in 1994
Over the years the brand identity is updated and re-launched with subtle changes, a change of Logo or a new font.
Sometimes this brand update is done by the new owners after a brewery has been sold, other times just to give the brand a fresh new look on the ever growing market.
Below are some notes to help identify some of these changes and an aid to reference the year of the glass.

Caffrey's Logo
1994 to 2002

Caffrey's Logo

Caffrey's Logo
2002 to 2008

Caffrey's Logo
2011 to Date

A pre 2002 Caffrey's Irish Ale beer mat.
Series II No.1 in a series of 5.