Netherlands - Breweries
Oranjeboom Brewery
Click on a beer glass for more information

Additional Information
The Oranjeboom Brewery was founded in Rotterdam in 1671. In 1968, the brewery merged with 3 Hoefijzers. (The 3 Horseshoes Brewery).
The brewery in Rotterdam closed in 1990, with production being shifted to The 3 Horseshoes Brewery in Breda. That brewery was sold to Interbrew in 1995 and was closed in 2004 by InBev (Interbrew's successor.) Production of the brand Oranjeboom was then moved to the Dommelsch brewery.
Oranjeboom is also brewed in Faversham Kent under license by Shepherd Neame.
In New Zealand, Oranjeboom has been brewed under license by Lion Nathan since 2005
In 2007, the brand Oranjeboom was sold in a management buy-out to United Dutch Breweries BV. In October 2013 Oranjeboom was relaunched as a "quirky" new European style lager.
Some of the Brewery's Range
Oranjeboom Premium Pilsner - 5%
Oranjeboom Extra Strong - 8%
Oranjeboom Super Strong - 12%
Klassiek 1628 -
Over the years the brand identity is updated and re-launched with subtle changes, a change of Logo or a new font.
Sometimes this brand update is done by the new owners after a brewery has been sold, other times just to give the brand a fresh new look on the ever growing market.
Below are some notes to help identify some of these changes and an aid to reference the year of the glass.

Logo & Font
Circa 1950s to early 60s
Golden Tree Pilsner

Logo & Font
Circa 1980s (Post 1982)
Oranjeboom in uppercase. In 1972 the Oranjeboom brand was removed from the market and replaced with SKOL, it was remarketed in 1982.

Logo & Font
Circa 1990s
Oranjeboom in lowercase.

Logo & Font
2000 to 2006

Logo & Font

An Oranjeboom beer mat (W9 x H9mm), part of a collection given to me in September 2020 (Original date circa 1985).