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Ireland - Breweries

Guinness Brewery

Ref number:- 000872-B067
Brand NameGuinness
BreweryGuinness Brewery
Country of OriginIreland (Dublin)
InscriptionFront-ESTd 1759 Guinness Number 8. Boots marked "left" and "right" to assist orientation
Rear-Embossed Harp
Glass StyleExclusive Gravity Glass Design
Rim of GlassPlain with beaded rim
Body of GlassPlain,Scooped facets
Base of GlassPlain
Volume0.8 Pint (16oz / 454ml)
StampedNot Stamped
Glass ManufacturerUnknown
Known as the Gravity glass, 440ml can size glass free inside special 10 can packs, No6 in a set of six limited edition glasses "Guinness Rugby made of more"
1 - Captain
2 - Fly Half
3 - Coach
4 - Winger
5 - Lock
6 - Number 8