England - Breweries
Wychwood Brewery
Click on a beer glass for more information

Additional Information
Wychwood Brewery is a brewery in Witney, Oxfordshire,which was founded 1983 by Paddy Glenny under the name, The Eagle Brewery and Glenny Brewing Company. In 1990 Chris Moss took over the Brewery and renamed it Wychwood after the ancient Wychwood Forest which borders Witney. The brewery was taken over in 2002 by Refresh UK, a subsidiary of Marston's. In the same year Wychwood took over the brewing of the newly acquired Brakspear beers in October 2002. The new Brakspear brewery was integrated into an expansion of the Wychwood plant, and includes parts of the copper (boiling vessel), as well as some of the fermenting vessels from the old Henley brewery. There is only one brewhouse at Witney but two separate fermenting rooms for the separate Wychwood and Brakspear beers.
The company's flagship brand is Hobgoblin, first brewed in 1988 it is a brown ale, described by Wychwood as a "Ruby beer". In 1996 the beer was first bottled and sold in British supermarkets.
On a side note this is one of my favourite Breweries and has a great range of beers. Since October 2012 they have issued a "Special Edition Halloween Glass" every year, which is always popular with collectors. Well worth a visit to the brewery if you get the opportunity.
Some of the Brewery's Range
Hobgoblin - The flag ship beer of Wychwood, first brewed in 1988.
Hobgoblin Gold -
King Goblin -
Hobgoblin IPA -
Imperial Red -
Scarecrow - Pre 2010 this beer was known as "Circle Master" however when it was launched in the UK it was originally called "Corn Circle"
Wychcraft -
Piledriver - Rock band Status Quo teamed up with Wychwood to launch an ale named after their 1972 album.
Dunkel Fester -
Imperial Red -
Dr Thirsty's No4 Blonde -
Fire Catcher -
Arrowaine -
Goliath -
DryNeck -
Black Wych -
Gratis -
King Star - First brewed in 2016
The Dogs Bollocks -
Dirty Tackle - Seasonal beer from February to March
Pumpking - Seasonal beer from October
Bah Humbug - Seasonal Christmas beer for December
Over the years the brand identity is updated and re-launched with subtle changes, a change of Logo or a new font.
Sometimes this brand update is done by the new owners after a brewery has been sold, other times just to give the brand a fresh new look on the ever growing market.
Below are some notes to help identify some of these changes and an aid to reference the year of the glass.

Hobgoblin Logo
1988 to 2000
Hobgoblin with bloody axe

Hobgoblin Logo
1988 to 2000
Hobgoblin with bloody axe

Hobgoblin Logo
2000 to 2006
Hobgoblin with sword

Hobgoblin Logo
2006 to 2019
Hobgoblin with axe again, no blood this time.

Hobgoblin Logo
Oct 2019 to Date
Hobgoblin with axe again, no nicks on the axe head.

Wychwood Logo
?? to 2006

Wychwood Logo
2007 to ??

Wychwood Logo
?? to 2019

Wychwood Logo
Oct 2019 to Date
In October 2019, brand design consultancy Butcher & Gundersen launched a new design image for Wychwood and the Hobgoblin range

A Hobgoblin Gold beer mat (W9.4 x H9.4cm)
from the Wychwood Brewery Bar
7th March 2015

A Hobgoblin beer mat (W10.5 x H9.5cm)
from October 2015
(The competition closed 31/01/2016)

A Hobgoblin beer mat (W9.4 x H9.4cm)
from October 2016
(The competition closed 31/01/2017)

A Hobgoblin beer mat (W9.4 x H9.4cm)
from October 2017