England - Breweries
Whitbread Brewery
Click on a beer glass for more information

Additional Information
Established in 1742, Whitbread is one of the UK oldest companies. In 1750 Samuel Whitbread created the first purpose-built mass-production brewery in the UK, when he moved his brewing operations to Chiswell Street on the eastern rim of Georgian London, from two smaller breweries in Old Street and Brick Lane. Over the following years, Whitbread became a household name throughout the country. Brewing on this site continued until the last tanker pulling out of the South Yard on April 13 1976, bringing to an end a 225-year era. In 2001 Whitbread sold the breweries and left the pub and bar business, refocusing on the growth areas of hotels and restaurants.
Some of the Brewery's Range
Mackeson - First brewed in Hythe, Kent, by Mackeson's Brewery in 1907. Whitbread acquired the brand in the 1929.
Whitbread Tankard - Appeared around 1960.
Whitbread Brew Master - Trademarked in October 1965.
Whitbread Trophy - Appeared around 1972.
Whitbread Pale Ale -
Whitbread Extra Stout -
Heldenbräu - Appeared in 1980.
Over the years the brand identity is updated and re-launched with subtle changes, a change of Logo or a new font.
Sometimes this brand update is done by the new owners after a brewery has been sold, other times just to give the brand a fresh new look on the ever growing market.
Below are some notes to help identify some of these changes and an aid to reference the year of the glass.

Whitbread Logo
Circa 1950s/60s

Whitbread Logo
Circa 1960s

Whitbread Logo
Circa 1970s

Whitbread Logo
?? to ??
(2008 Shown)

Whitbread Tankard Logo
Circa 1960s
(EIIR Glass shown)

Whitbread Tankard Logo
Circa late 1970s early 1980s

A Whitbread beer mat (W9 x H9cm).
Win a night out with a top model.
Part of a collection given to me in September 2020
(Original date unknown)

A Whitbread Brew Master beer mat (W9 x H9cm).
Drink Drive campaign
Part of a collection given to me in September 2020
(Original date unknown circa 1980s)

A Whitbread beer mat (W9 x H9cm).
Part of a collection given to me in September 2020
(Original date unknown)

A Whitbread beer mat (W9 x H9cm).
"Think before you drink before you drive." This Drink Drive campaign slogan started Christmas 1977.
Part of a collection given to me in September 2020
(Original date unknown circa 1980s)

A Whitbread beer mat (W9.5 x H12cm).
"Think before you drink before you drive." This Drink Drive campaign slogan started Christmas 1977.
Part of a collection given to me in September 2020
(Original date unknown circa 1980s)