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England - Breweries

Banks's Brewery

Ref number:- 001583-B110
Brand NameWolverhampton & Dudley Breweries
BreweryWolverhampton & Dudley Breweries (Banks's Brewery)
Country of OriginEngland (Wolverhampton)
InscriptionFront-The Wolverhampton & Dudley Breweries Ltd
Glass StyleMug
Rim of GlassPlain glass
Body of GlassPlain, chevron facets, handle to the right.
Base of GlassPlain
Volume1 Pint (20oz / 568ml)
StampedPINT Crown GR 301c
Glass ManufacturerUnited Glass of Castleford
Year1910 to 1930 (definitely pre 1936)
The Art-Deco style crown mark on the stamp was only used by George 5th in the early part of his reign 1910 to around 1930 when it changed to a more stylised Crown used by George 5th and then George 6th until 1952.