Belgium - Breweries
Maredsous Brewery
Click on a beer glass for more information

Additional Information
Maredsous is the name given to both the abbey beer and the Benedictine abbey, found near Denee, between Namur and Dinant. Maredsous Abbey was founded in 1872, and was one of the first Belgian abbeys to re-establish its links with the country's rich monastic past, after the destruction of the French Revolution (1789-1799).
The abbey no longer has a brewery within its walls: since 1963 the Maredsous abbey beers have been brewed, under licence, by Duvel Moortgat
Some of the Brewery's Range
Maredsous Blonde -
Maredsous Brune -
Maredsous Triple -
Over the years the brand identity is updated and re-launched with subtle changes, a change of Logo or a new font.
Sometimes this brand update is done by the new owners after a brewery has been sold, other times just to give the brand a fresh new look on the ever growing market.
Below are some notes to help identify some of these changes and an aid to reference the year of the glass.
