Belgium - Breweries
Duvel Moortgat Brewery
Click on a beer glass for more information
(To the best of my knowledge these glasses have been arranged in release date order)

Additional Information
Duvel Moortgat Brewery is a Flemish family-controlled brewery founded in 1871 by Jan-Leonard Moortgat. The brewery is located in Puurs, a small town in the Flemish province of Antwerp. The Duvel tulip-shaped glass, first designed in the late 1960's has now become an icon and easily recognised with the brand.
Some of the Brewery's Range
Duvel - First brewed to commemorate the end of the first World War under the name Victory Ale it was changed to Duvel in 1923.
Bel Pils - First brewed in 1930 when it was called "Extra Blonde" up until 1976, when it was renamed "Extra Pilsner". It was renamed again in 1993 to its current name Bel Pils
Vedett - A pilsener created in 1945 by Albert Moortgat (Jan's son).
Vedett Extra Blond -
Vedett Extra Ordinary IPA -
Vedett Extra White - Launched in 2008
Duvel Tripel Hop
Duvel Tripel Hop was produced for the first time in 2007, but only as a one-off limited edition. Although the basic ingredients are the same as those used for the traditional Duvel, each year a new aroma hop was selected to become that third hop variety.
2010 - Amarillo hops used
2012 - Citra hop used
2013 - A Japanese hop variety called Sorachi Ace used
2014 - Mosaic hops used
2015 - Equinox hops used
2016 - Hop "HBC 291", an experimental hop variety from the Yakima Valley used
Duvel Tripel Hop Citra - First brewed in 2012 as a limited-edition beer and launched in 2017 as part of the permanent range
Duvel Tripel Hop Cashmere - First brewed in 2019 as a limited-edition beer and launched in March 2020 as part of the permanent range
Duvel Barrel Aged - First brewed in 2017 as limited edition 11.5% beer that ages in oak casks for an average of six to nine months.
Over the years the brand identity is updated and re-launched with subtle changes, a change of Logo or a new font.
Sometimes this brand update is done by the new owners after a brewery has been sold, other times just to give the brand a fresh new look on the ever growing market.
Below are some notes to help identify some of these changes and an aid to reference the year of the glass.

Duvel Logo
Circa 1970s
White Helmet, Shield has a White chief row and Black Base row with Red border. Shield elements include 2 roses and a crescent moon. Red Duvel lettering in standard style font.

Duvel Logo
Circa 2010
Grey Helmet, Shield has a White chief row and Black Base row with Gold border. Shield elements include 3 stars. Gold Duvel lettering in standard style font.
(2014 Shown)

Duvel Beer Mat picked up from the De Koninck Brewery bar
23rd August 2016 (Mat is plain on the reverse side.)

Duvel Celebrating Mastery Since 1871 Beer Mat
1 of 8 in the set that was released circa 2015.
Picked up from the De Koninck Brewery bar
23rd August 2016 (Mat is plain on the reverse side.)

Duvel Celebrating Mastery Since 1871 Beer Mat
2 of 8 in the set that was released circa 2015.
(Mat is plain on the reverse side.)

Duvel Celebrating Mastery Since 1871 Beer Mat
3 of 8 in the set that was released circa 2015.
(Mat is plain on the reverse side.)

Duvel Celebrating Mastery Since 1871 Beer Mat
4 of 8 in the set that was released circa 2015.
(Mat is plain on the reverse side.)

Duvel Celebrating Mastery Since 1871 Beer Mat
5 of 8 in the set that was released circa 2015.
(Mat is plain on the reverse side.)

Duvel Celebrating Mastery Since 1871 Beer Mat
6 of 8 in the set that was released circa 2015.
(Mat is plain on the reverse side.)

Duvel Celebrating Mastery Since 1871 Beer Mat
7 of 8 in the set that was released circa 2015.
(Mat is plain on the reverse side.)

Duvel Win & Create your own Duvel Glass Beer Mat
Offer ran from 18 March 2019 to 12 May 2019
(Mat is plain on the reverse side.)

Duvel Tripel Hop Citra Beer Mat
1 of ?? in the set that was released circa 2019.

Duvel Tripel Hop Citra Beer Mat
2 of ?? in the set that was released circa 2019.

Duvel Tripel Hop Citra Beer Mat
3 of ?? in the set that was released circa 2019.

Duvel Tripel Hop Citra Beer Mat
4 of ?? in the set that was released circa 2019.