Belgium - Breweries
Ciney Brewery
Click on a beer glass for more information

Additional Information
Ciney was produced by the Mont-Saint-Guibert brewery. In 2000 the Alken-Maes brewery group bought the trademark rights to Ciney. A few months later, the brewery was acquired by the English group Scottish & Newcastle.
From 2000 until 2007, Ciney was brewed at the Alken-Maes brewery in Jumet. After that, Ciney has been brewed at the Alken-Maes brewery in Alken (a subsidiary of Heineken).
Some of the Brewery's Range
Cuvée de Ciney - First brewed in 1978, renamed Ciney Brune circa 1986.
Ciney Brune -
Ciney Blonde - First brewed in 1980
Ciney Spéciale 10 - A 9% variant of Ciney Brune circa 1986 now discontinued.
Over the years the brand identity is updated and re-launched with subtle changes, a change of Logo or a new font.
Sometimes this brand update is done by the new owners after a brewery has been sold, other times just to give the brand a fresh new look on the ever growing market.
Below are some notes to help identify some of these changes and an aid to reference the year of the glass.

Ciney Logo
1986 to Date
The steeple seen on the Ciney logo is the bell tower for Ciney's Saint Nicholas collegiate church

A Ciney Spéciale 10 beer mat (W8 x H9.9cm).
Plain on the reverse side.
Part of a collection given to me in September 2020
(The glass reads Cuvée de Ciney and Spéciale 10 would make it c1986)